About Us

About Us

EasyJobs.live is a premier platform dedicated to connecting youth in South Africa and beyond with the latest opportunities. Our mission is to create an effective and dynamic space where young people can discover and access educational and career prospects from around the globe.

We strive to serve our community, working tirelessly to enhance the lives of our users.

At EasyJobs.live, you’ll find up-to-date information on international opportunities, including Student Exchange Programs, International Conferences, Undergraduate Scholarships, Master’s Scholarships, PhD Scholarships, Fellowships, Training Workshops, Cultural Exchange Programs, Internships, Summer Internships, Jobs, and valuable insights and tips regarding scholarships.

Our platform is completely free to use.

We provide informative content about international scholarships, fellowships, internships, and other education-related opportunities at no cost, empowering students to apply for these valuable programs.

We believe in fair use and transform information from official sources to add value for our users.

All content published on EasyJobs.live is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use of this content without proper credit is not permitted, and we reserve the right to take legal action in cases of infringement.

How You Can Help Us:

Support EasyJobs.live by sharing opportunities within your networks—students, family, friends, and your social and professional circles.

Together, we can create pathways for your dreams of studying abroad. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student seeking exciting opportunities, our platform is designed to benefit you.

What You Can Find on EasyJobs.live:

  • Government Jobs
  • Private Sector Jobs
  • Apprenticeships
  •  Internships
  •  Bursaries
  •  Learnerships
  •  CV Templates and Writing Tips
  •  Scholarships
  •  Job Application Forms

Disclaimer:Please note that EasyJobs.live is not a recruitment agency; we curate and present career opportunities gathered from various online sources and media. Our services are completely free, and we do not request any payments from users.